Good Arts Good Mental Health Logo
a painting that shows a rainbow concentric patterna painting that shows a rainbow concentric patterna painting that shows a rainbow concentric pattern

The research and team behind the campaign

Good Arts, Good Mental Health is the translation of award-winning research into an initiative to improve mental wellbeing via arts engagement. The initiative has been developed with more than 3000 community members – people just like you – a research team from seven world leading universities and 31 government, industry and philanthropic partners.

Overall, there is good evidence of an arts-mental wellbeing relationship. Below are free links to arts and health research that may be of interest to you.
The Good Art, Good Mental Health Team
The Arts and Creative Industries in Health Promotion

About Good Arts Good Mental Health

Good Arts, Good Mental Health is the translation of award-winning research into an initiative to improve mental wellbeing via arts engagement. The initiative has been developed with more than 3000 community members – people just like you – a research team from seven world leading universities and 31 government, industry and philanthropic partners.

Overall, there is good evidence of an arts-mental wellbeing relationship. Below are free links to arts and health research that may be of interest to you.

Research papers and reports

Free to click and download

The Art of Being Mentally Healthy

This paper quantifies the arts/mental wellbeing relationship. We found that 2hrs/week of arts engagement (e.g. listening to music, reading, dancing, singing, painting, attending a concert, performance, art class etc) is associated with mental wellbeing for adults in the general population. This paper is also cited in Revive, Australia’s National Cultural Policy.

Arts and Health Glossary

This paper provides a summary of arts-health definitions for use in policy, programs, practice and every day life.

Arts-Health Promotion Systematic Review

This systematic review was written for the Sax Institute and VicHealth. The review provides a summary and evidence rating (strong/weak) of arts and health publications.

The Art of Being Healthy

This paper describes the arts-health relationship in terms of seven outcomes - mental health, social health, physical health, economic, knowledge, art and identity outcomes.

The Art of Aging Well

This paper describes the relationship between recreational arts engagement, general health and mental wellbeing in cohort of 2,843 Australian older adults

Arts, Public Health and the National Arts and Health Framework

This paper provides a summary of arts health concepts.

Music for Wellness in rehabilitation patients

This paper showcases a low-cost, non-pharmacological hospital music programme that successfully supported patient well-being in a rehabilitation setting.
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