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a painting that shows a rainbow concentric patterna painting that shows a rainbow concentric patterna painting that shows a rainbow concentric pattern

In the News

Good Arts Good Mental Health is working to improve community mental wellbeing ... and everyone is talking about it! Here's a snapshot of where we've appeared in the news.

Watch Dr Christina Davies on TV

Dr Davies has appeared on the Channel 9 news. Viewers were provided with a deeper understanding of the impact of arts on health and the GAGMH project.
The Couch (Road Map to Health) interviewed Dr Davies about the relationship between the arts and mental health. The interview highlighted the challenge of defining "the Arts". Viewers were introduced the 5-day Arts Challenge and encouraged to take part for better mental wellbeing. Scroll to 42.33mins to see the interview.

Hear Dr Christina Davies on the radio

On 5th October, Christina appeared on Youth Jam Radio to discuss the GAGMH five-day art challenge, emphasizing its accessible, inexpensive approach to sparking creativity and its positive impact on mental well-being.
ABC Drive logo
Christina chatted with ABC Drive and discussed the “arts dose” of 2hours per week can make a difference to mental wellbeing.

Read about GAGMH online

a snippet of a news article titled "Two hours of art per week can improve mental health"

With cost-of-living pressures rising within the community, UWA researchers have identified an accessible and inexpensive way to... Read full article

a snippet of a news article titled "how to incorporate the arts for better wellbeing on international day of happiness...and beyond!"

In 2023 Good Arts, Good Mental Health’s five-day Arts Challenge was a pre-campaign that incorporated knowledge the project had... Read full article

a snippet of a news article titled "Study reveals the art of aging well"

The gift of art could make the perfect Christmas present for older friends and relatives, after new research by The University of Western Australia and... Read full article

a snippet of a news article titled " Arts challenge offers affordable 'path to happiness'"

With cost-of-living pressures rising, researchers at The University of Western Australia have come up with an accessible and inexpensive way to not only nurture... Read full article

a snippet of a news article titled "the benefits of gentler hobbies"

Research has suggested that gentler activities, like gardening and crafts, come with a host of health benefits... Read full article

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