Good Arts, Good Mental Health is the translation of award-winning research into an initiative to improve mental wellbeing via arts engagement. The initiative has been developed with more than 3000 community members – people just like you – a research team from seven world leading universities and 31 government, industry and philanthropic partners.
Overall, there is good evidence of an arts-mental wellbeing relationship. Below are free links to arts and health research that may be of interest to you.
The Art of Being Mentally Healthy – This paper quantifies the arts/mental wellbeing
relationship. We found that 2hrs/week of arts engagement (e.g. listening to music, reading,
dancing, singing, painting, attending a concert, performance, art class etc) is associated with
mental wellbeing for adults in the general population. This paper is also cited in Revive,
Australia’s National Cultural Policy. See:
Arts and Health Glossary – This paper provides a summary of arts-health definitions for use
in policy, programs, practice and every day life. See:
Arts-Health Promotion Systematic Review - This systematic review was written for the Sax
Institute and VicHealth. The review provides a summary and evidence rating (strong/weak)
of arts and health publications. See:
The Art of Being Healthy – This paper describes the arts-health relationship in terms of
seven outcomes - mental health, social health, physical health, economic, knowledge, art
and identity outcomes. See:
The Art of Aging Well – This paper describes the relationship between recreational arts
engagement, general health and mental wellbeing in cohort of 2,843 Australian older adults. See:
Arts, Public Health and the National Arts and Health Framework - This paper provides a
summary of arts health concepts. See:
Music for Wellness in rehabilitation patients – This paper showcases a low-cost, non-
pharmacological hospital music programme that successfully supported patient well-being in
a rehabilitation setting. See: